Woven Luxury

One-of-a-Kind Rugs

Thoughtfully selected artisan rugs are the key to anchoring a space with warmth and style.

A delicate balance of form and function, these one-of-a-kind, hand-knotted wool rugs are the hallmarks of magazine-worthy spaces.

New to the Shoppe, each of these rugs were hand-selected by the Stephenson House team for their new traditional feel.

A styled living room with a focus on The Francis Rug.
A side by side of two images, both highlighting different angles of The Francis Rug.

The Valentine

A styled living room with a focus on The Valentine Rug.
A side by side of two images, both highlighting different angles of The Valentine Rug.

The tonal details and timeless design of The Valentine make it an impactful statement piece that captures your attention.

Sometimes you find a rug to complete a space, and then there are those magical moments when you find a rug that inspires the design of a space around its beauty.

The Simona

A styled bedroom with a focus on The Simona Rug.
A side by side of two images, both highlighting different angles of The Simona Rug.

The Simona creates a serene atmosphere, with soft tones and patterns that are reminiscent of a luxe Parisian apartment.

Complemented by rich neutrals, the underlying blue hues are brought to life, inspiring a sense of romantic modernism in any space, while the subtle traditional pattern brings warmth and character.

The Chester

A styled living room with a focus on The Chester Rug.
A side by side of two images, both highlighting different angles of The Chester Rug.

The rich composition and elevated neutral tones of The Chester allow it to anchor a space of well-edited layers of texture.

We styled it alongside bouclé, leather, metal and natural stone details to highlight its ability to bring out the inherent beauty of mixed materials.

Curated Rug Selections

A side by side depiction of two rugs and their folded edges, showing the hand-knotted weave detail of each.

Through personalized consultations and bespoke concepts, the Atelier's design intensives achieve the well-edited layers that complete your home’s narrative.

We source and install artful floorcoverings that feel beautiful underfoot and establish the distinct look and livability of your space.

Complete our Atelier Inquiry Form to work with the Stephenson House team to curate the perfect rug for your home.

Photography: Marielle Elizabeth

